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How to Save Water During Daylight Savings


So, long days are ahead, and most of us must be excited about all the extra time to get things done. While you may be planning for those extra hours, the one thing you’re most likely not considering is the more time you’re awake and working in your home, the more you’ll be using your appliances.

Whether you’re making extra tea or coffee, cooking larger meals, or just getting a drink of water for that extra yard work you can put it, your plumbing is feeling the added use. So how can you enjoy the longer days without putting such a strain on your pipes? Read on to learn how to leverage your daylight savings hours.

Where Does Daylight Savings Originate?

onehourDaylight savings is a practice which many countries of the world follow in order to cut down their energy consumption. They advance standard time by on the hour in order to take advantage of the extra hour of the morning.

It starts in the spring season and then all the clocks come back to normal time in autumn. For the Americas this is a practice that started back with Benjamin Franklin and the founding U.S. fathers, most likely because of their dependency on natural light and heat from the sun.

In today’s day and age, energy-saving practices are beneficial for all industries as it boosts workable hours and helps you leverage nature to accommodate your needs.

How to Save Water With Extra Hours

savewaterIn many places around the country, water droughts are common, and can only worsen with the added use during daylight savings time. So how do you conserve water without affecting your daily routine? Some helpful tips include:

  • Recycle water and use it for other purposes. It’s common for farmers and industrial companies to leverage used water for irrigation, and you can do the same in your home.
  • Install low flush toilets in your homes and offices along with low flow taps.
  • Rainwater preservation is also necessary. It can be diverted to crops and fields so that it can be preserved from falling in the saline water of the oceans.
  • Regulate your outdoor fun. Nothing beats a pool, but you may want to hold off on refiling it after daily use.

Going Green Has Never Been Easier

Going Green simply means using your knowledge to take steps toward environmental friendliness. Whether that’s as simple as using a washable cup instead of bottled water or larger steps like installing solar panels, but making a conscious effort, you could be improving your impact on the world. Going green also helps:


  • By using less water, it will not be needed to treat and siphon so much water. It will help you save money you ought to be spent on manufactured substance.
  • It will reduce carbon releases, which is one of the main factors of ozone destruction. Ozone is a protective layer in which our earth is wrapped. It keeps us safe from the harmful rays which come directly from the sun.

While longer days offers plenty of opportunity for more water usage, it could also be a time where you learn to go without. If you need more help ongoing green in your home, be sure to call Alberta Indoor Comfort at (403) 230-2689 - we are your Calgary plumbing pros.